Workplace Fire Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 came into force on the 1st of October 2006 .The objective of the RRFSO is to consolidate the general fire safety precautions of a large number of pieces of legislation including the requirement for the issue of a Fire certificate.
The RRFSO introduces a risk based approach and requires the responsible person to carry out risk assessments to demonstrate that that the fire safety precautions are adequate for the premises.
Employers have a responsibility for ensuring the health, safety and welfare of their employees and others who may have access to the workplace. These general duties include safety in relation to fire hazards, both from the work processes and activities, as well as general fire safety in the workplace.
Let us take the worry out of risk assessing your own business, by providing you with a full risk assessment and staff fire training package which will allow effective control measures to be put in place to reduce the risk from fire to as low as reasonably practical.
Our risk assessment process follows the five fundamental steps of risk assessment:
- identify the risk
- identify people at risk
- evaluate the risks
- record your findings
- review and revise
Call us now to arrange a full risk assessment of your business
Fire Extinguisher Sales and Servicing
Kent Safety Training offers a complete package for workplace fire extinguisher sales and service. We have an approved service engineer certified to the Fire Extinguisher Trade Association (FETA) standards which is fully endorsed by the British Standards Institution.
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